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Installing the Bulletin app on your device
It’s simple to install the Bulletin App on your smart phone or iPad:
If you have an Android phone, connect to the Bulletin’s website
— https://northplattebulletin.com
Look at the bottom of the screen for the install command. Tap. Then, install.
If you have an iPhone or iPad:
- Launch Safari.
- Navigate to www.northplattebulletin.com
- Tap the Share icon (square with an arrow pointing out of it) at the bottom of the screen.
- Scroll down to the list of actions and tap “Add to Home Screen” [+].
The Bulletin icon will appear on the page of your home screen where there is space for a new icon. Look for it and move it to the front page for handy access.
This process creates a web app on an Android phone. A web app lives on your phone. It is easy to access. It does not always require an internet connection.
Eggers Jr, Wayne William 011119
by: George Lauby - Jan. 12, 2019
Show me Talk Back during this visit
Name: Victor L. Collins
Booking date: 09/08/24
Arresting agency: Lincoln County Sheriff's Office
Bond amount: Pending
Charges: Failure to pay
Name: Steven L. Carland
Booking date: 09/08/24
Arresting agency: North Platte police
Bond amount: $200
Charges: Failure to appear Buffalo Co.
Name: Austin C. Bordeaux
Booking date: 09/08/24
Arresting agency: North Platte police
Bond amount: Pending
Charges: 2nd deg. trespassing. Criminal mischief. 3rd deg. assault. Child cruelty. Obstruction. Disturbing the peace.
Name: Charles Nora
Booking date: 09/08/24
Arresting agency: North Platte police
Bond amount: Pending
Charges: Domestic assault. Witness dissuading.
Name: Rene Chavez
Booking date: 09/08/24
Arresting agency: Red Willow County sheriff
Bond amount: Hold
Charges: Safekeeping for Red Willow Co.
Name: Jessica D. Carstensen
Booking date: 09/07/24
Arresting agency: North Platte police
Bond amount: Pending
Charges: Possession controlled substance.
Name: Alfredo Ramirez
Booking date: 09/07/24
Arresting agency: North Platte police
Bond amount: Hold
Charges: Protection order violation
Name: Elliott A. Fair
Booking date: 09/07/24
Arresting agency: North Platte police
Bond amount: Pending
Charges: Meth possession
Name: Ross L. Wallace
Booking date: 09/07/24
Arresting agency: Red Willow County sheriff
Bond amount: Pending
Charges: Domestic assault
Name: Jeffrey A. Schulz
Booking date: 09/07/24
Arresting agency: North Platte police
Bond amount: Pending
Charges: Domestic assault
Name: Logan White
Booking date: 09/06/24
Arresting agency: Chase Co. sheriff's office
Bond amount: $5,000
Charges: Safekeeping for Chase County.
Name: Michael S. Stansall, Jr.
Booking date: 09/06/24
Arresting agency: Dawson County sheriff
Bond amount: Hold
Charges: Safekeeping for U.S. Marshals, Buffalo Co. and Dawson Co.
Name: Erick R. Molina
Booking date: 09/07/24
Arresting agency: Lincoln County Sheriff's Office
Bond amount: Pending
Charges: Safekeeping for U.S. Marshals
Name: Justin L. Hobbs
Booking date: 09/07/24
Arresting agency: Red Willow County sheriff
Bond amount:
Charges: Custodial sanction, Red Willow Co.
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