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Installing the Bulletin app on your device
It’s simple to install the Bulletin App on your smart phone or iPad:
If you have an Android phone, connect to the Bulletin’s website
— https://northplattebulletin.com
Look at the bottom of the screen for the install command. Tap. Then, install.

If you have an iPhone or iPad:
- Launch Safari.
- Navigate to www.northplattebulletin.com
- Tap the Share icon (square with an arrow pointing out of it) at the bottom of the screen.
- Scroll down to the list of actions and tap “Add to Home Screen” [+].

The Bulletin icon will appear on the page of your home screen where there is space for a new icon. Look for it and move it to the front page for handy access.

This process creates a web app on an Android phone. A web app lives on your phone. It is easy to access. It does not always require an internet connection.

Austin B. Priest

In this week's North Platte Bulletin print edition

Three train wrecks in one day, including a major pile-up just east of North Platte, prompt more concern about train length & proper maintenance... the major provisions of Sen. Mike Jacobson's rail safety bill in the state Legislature... also...the play production of Agatha Christie’s classic novel, Murder on the Orient Express, is opening at the playhouse... and... restrictions on student cell phone use in schools is proposed in the Legislature... a report of the latest North Platte public school board meeting... artists talk about dealing with grief at the Prairie Arts Center... the complete list of tax delinquent properties in Lincoln County, which will be sold on March 3... two St. Pat's high school teammates will go separate ways to competing colleges, and look forward to playing on a higher level... plus weekly rundowns of entertaining events, arrests, marriages, real estate deals, deaths, police citations and wanted criminals... and more.
Get the full stories in this week's North Platte Bulletin print edition.