With 15 days left in the 108th legislative session, Sen. Mike Jacobson held a Town Hall in North Platte Saturday night to talk with constituents about property tax relief, the EPIC consumption tax, health care for farmers, Homestead Exemptions, medigap, and inheritance taxes.

The meeting was organized by the Lincoln County chapter of the Farm Bureau and held at the McKinley Education Center, the administration building of the North Platte public schools.

He started the evening by saying he considers serving District 42 in the legislature a full-time job. He never intended to get involved with the legislature, but when then-Gov. Pete Ricketts approached him about replacing former Sen. Mike Groene, he realized he could make a difference for western Nebraska.

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Praesent tristique imperdiet diam sed cursus. Etiam at lobortis tellus. In imperdiet quam eget augue placerat, quis tristique velit lacinia. Nam aliquet tellus eget odio egestas rutrum. Donec elementum lacus eu velit eleifend viverra.

Mauris tincidunt orci sed tristique ultricies. In id sapien vel nulla aliquam congue at vitae elit. Nunc et laoreet justo, quis sagittis neque.

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