The Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. presidential campaign announced Tuesday it has submitted more than enough signatures to gain ballot access in Nebraska. The campaign turned in 5,023 signatures, more than two times the required amount. 

“Today is a historic day,” Midwest Regional Director Lane Koch said.

The campaign has collected enough signatures so far to qualify for the November ballot in nearly half of the 50 states, organizers said.

The independent Kennedy-Shanahan ticket is officially on the ballot in nine states — Utah, Michigan, California, Delaware, Oklahoma, Hawaii, Texas, South Carolina, and Mississippi. 

And, the campaign said it has collected enough signatures for ballot access in 14 other states — Nebraska, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Idaho, Iowa, Ohio, New Jersey, New York, Florida, Minnesota, Tennessee, Alaska and Washington. 

Organizers said the effort has surpassed its milestones so far, aiming for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The petition drive operation is funded with more than $15 million, they said.

Campaign organizers also point to the May 1 results of a Zogby poll, showing Kennedy beats both Presidents Biden and Trump in head-to-head matchups.

Going head-to-head, Trump defeats Biden and Kennedy. In a two-way race between Kennedy and President Biden, Kennedy wins handily.

Trump and Biden are scheduled for a televised debate in Atlanta at 8 p.m. Central Time on Thursday, June 27, hosted by CNN.

Kennedy’s campaign website is

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