More than 80 kids peddled out to the Whitetail Cycle Sport parking lot Friday morning for the Youth Bike Rodeo. The rodeo gave children the opportunity to have their bikes safety checked and show off their riding skills.

Whitetail provided helmets for kids who needed them to emphasize the importance of preventing injuries.

The event, part of Nebraskaland Days, was organized by Canteen District President Shae Caldwell and Downtown Association President Lori Bergman.

The ladies agreed that this year’s weather was perfect and contributed to a better turnout than usual. Children were served complimentary ice cream from Double Dips after the rodeo. 

Photos by Teressa Sykora

Focused on discovering coins

Money scramble

Children ages four and under were treated to a Money Scramble Friday morning in a sand plie in the parking lot of the Pizza Ranch.

More than 150 kids dug in the sand for coins that they were allowed to keep. Using plastic shovels and sand sifters, the kids were delighted to see the coins and scoop them up quickly.

Families were able to let their kids loose in the partitioned area as they sought their fortunes. Based on the sounds of laughter and squeals of joy in the air, it was evident that the children were having a ball as they collected as many coins as they could.

Panning for gold

Sand Castles

Local kids got a taste of “North Platte Beach” Friday morning at the sandcastle building event off Sixth St, in the Pizza Ranch’s parking lot.

The organizer, Downtown Association President Lori Bergman, said the city of North Platte brings in sand and later returns to clean it up and haul it away.

Two boys diligently make plans to build their castle.

More than 300 children were able to feel the sand between their toes and try to build their best sandcastles. Bright pops of color from the pails, shovels and sand toys peeked out from under the sand as the kids built their masterpieces.

Catherine Perez said she and her daughter Eliana Fisher enjoy the event and it has become their tradition.

“She’s five years old and I have brought her here every year,” Perez said.

Eliana Fisher fills her pail with sand.

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