Spring drought can provide an advantage for weeds in alfalfa especially in newly seeded fields. Usually, glyphosate applications sprayed on Roundup Ready® alfalfa variety fields can be effective overcoming these emerged weed issues; but Roundup® isn’t the only good weed control option for alfalfa.

When weeds grow faster than stressed alfalfa, seedlings are robbed of moisture, nutrients, and light. Left uncontrolled; weeds can then thin stands, weaken plants, and lower yields. For broadleaf weeds, mowing may be an option while the alfalfa is growing slowly. Adjust mowing height so several leaves remain on the alfalfa seedlings after clipping to aid in alfalfa regrowth. However, if mower clippings would smother young alfalfa seedlings; then alternative herbicide may still be your best weed control options if Roundup® is not an option.

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Praesent tristique imperdiet diam sed cursus. Etiam at lobortis tellus. In imperdiet quam eget augue placerat, quis tristique velit lacinia. Nam aliquet tellus eget odio egestas rutrum. Donec elementum lacus eu velit eleifend viverra.

Mauris tincidunt orci sed tristique ultricies. In id sapien vel nulla aliquam congue at vitae elit. Nunc et laoreet justo, quis sagittis neque.

Etiam molestie tortor at ultricies rutrum. Aenean suscipit tempus convallis. Sed ac vestibulum eros. Pellentesque bibendum dui eget velit imperdiet, sit amet rutrum eros viverra.

Duis tincidunt, massa quis fermentum rhoncus, leo dui consequat sem, et lobortis magna dui a justo. Pellentesque lorem dui, consectetur id urna sed, tempor varius purus. Proin eu efficitur felis.

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