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Installing the Bulletin app on your device
It’s simple to install the Bulletin App on your smart phone or iPad:
If you have an Android phone, connect to the Bulletin’s website
— https://northplattebulletin.com
Look at the bottom of the screen for the install command. Tap. Then, install.
If you have an iPhone or iPad:
- Launch Safari.
- Navigate to www.northplattebulletin.com
- Tap the Share icon (square with an arrow pointing out of it) at the bottom of the screen.
- Scroll down to the list of actions and tap “Add to Home Screen” [+].
The Bulletin icon will appear on the page of your home screen where there is space for a new icon. Look for it and move it to the front page for handy access.
This process creates a web app on an Android phone. A web app lives on your phone. It is easy to access. It does not always require an internet connection.
Steven G. Carter
In this week's North Platte Bulletin print edition
Diesel shop workers at Bailey Yard say they are understaffed... as the number of ready-to-operate locomotives declines... an informational demonstration in North Platte seems to indicate that workers and management are on track for another showdown... also... Lincoln County officials debunk an advocacy group's listing of the county as something of a sanctuary for illegal immigrants... and... five more pages of team previews plus schedules for Hershey and Sutherland sports, in part 2 of our annual presentation.. and... an update on the Simpson family, whose home burned up on June 13... and... the outreach of community support... the North Platte public school board continues to crunch its budget, and property tax call, for the next fiscal year... plus much more... including rundowns of entertainment, arrests, marriages, real estate deals, deaths and police citations.
Get the full stories in this week's North Platte Bulletin print edition.