
Archived: USDA reminds Nebraska producers to file crop acreage reports

Bobbie Kriz-Wickham, USDA - Jun. 18, 2024

Agricultural producers in Nebraska should make an appointment with their local Farm Service Agency office as soon as possible to complete crop acreage reports before the applicable deadline after planting is complete. The acreage reporting date for spring-planted crops, perennial forage such as pastures and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres is July 15. “Many USDA […]

Archived: USDA reminds Nebraska producers to file crop acreage reports

Bobbie Kriz-Wickham, USDA -

Agricultural producers in Nebraska should make an appointment with their local Farm Service Agency office as soon as possible to complete crop acreage reports before the applicable deadline after planting is complete. The acreage reporting date for spring-planted crops, perennial forage such as pastures and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres is July 15. “Many USDA […]